[WikiEN-l] Why aren't *all* wikia.com links restricted under nofollow?

Joe Szilagyi szilagyi at gmail.com
Mon Apr 30 16:48:43 UTC 2007

On 4/30/07, David Gerard <dgerard at gmail.com> wrote:
> So the answer to your question is: probably because no-one's asked.

Do you see an ethical conflict that financial donors to Wikipedia (Wikia)
are on the Interwiki map? If not, why?

Do you see the conflict that the developers (who are close to Jimmy) turned
down Bainer's patch that would have fixed all this? If SEO and pagerank
don't matter, why endorse something that benefits other sites? Why not
ensure no one gets the magic Wikigoogle juice?

It sounds like you haven't actually read the instructions on the
> interwiki map or its talk page but aren't letting ignorance stop your
> valuable opinion

And that was artful political/PR spin, as Jeff said. Well played. Attack the
innocent messenger, if no satisfactory answer exists. Well done.


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