[WikiEN-l] Why aren't *all* wikia.com links restricted under nofollow?

Joe Szilagyi szilagyi at gmail.com
Mon Apr 30 16:31:48 UTC 2007

On 4/30/07, David Gerard <dgerard at gmail.com> wrote:
> I suggest you are ill-placed to mention the word "ethical" in
> connection to anything anyone else should do, particularly Wikipedia:
> http://www.joeszilagyi.com/2007/04/24/wikipedia-game-guide-%e2%80%9canonymous%e2%80%9d-is-your-secret-ally/

For detailing the exact methods that many use? Is this supposed to be
retained as classified information? ;)

How to game Wikipedia via cleverly disguised SPAs and cabal manipulation is
the worst kept secret of Wikipedia. No harm in airing out dirty laundry, as
it allows it to then be cleaned.


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