[WikiEN-l] Brandt says he might sue even if his bio is taken down!

Stan Shebs stanshebs at earthlink.net
Tue Apr 24 03:31:18 UTC 2007

Daniel R. Tobias wrote:
> See how he "may decide" to "file a lawsuit anyway" even if we give 
> him what he's asking for.
Yep, that's why appeasement gets such a bad rap.

Brandt is not a terrorist, but he is a bully, and bullies live for the 
moments when they get to feel strong at the expense of their victims. I 
think it drives him crazy that Wikipedia as a whole can't be bullied; he 
and his sycophants will go after individuals all day, and sometimes get 
a hit on one on them, but there's no "boss" to go after, not Jimbo, not 
the mysterious evuhl "Slimmy", not the Foundation. Even in the very 
unlikely event that he succeeds in suing the Foundation out of 
existence, people would just move WP elsewhere - like to 
wikipedia.google.com :-) or even worse, make clones for every search 
company that dreams of unseating Google. So instead of having one copy 
of his bio to monitor, he will cleverly have arranged to have hundreds 
of diverging versions to monitor instead!


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