[WikiEN-l] Analysis of the politics of "Brandt unblocked by Jimbo"

Seth Finkelstein sethf at sethf.com
Sat Apr 21 03:17:56 UTC 2007

> Gwern Branwen
> People have been saying for a long time that Brandt would make a 
> good test case; nothing new or shocking there.

	The new aspect would be if *Wikipedia higher-ups* have
concluded this, including possible advice from real live lawyers. And
that an eventual "section 230" case is likely enough that Wikipedia
might as well choose its plaintiff if possible.

	Pure conjecture on my part. I could be wrong. Be amused by it
if nothing else. We'll see in the fullness of time. My self-interest
lies in reducing the pile of how-could-you-DO-this-Jimmy messages I
have to plow through if I want to follow the situation.

Seth Finkelstein  Consulting Programmer  http://sethf.com/
Infothought blog - http://sethf.com/infothought/blog/
Interview: http://sethf.com/essays/major/greplaw-interview.php

[Note to the folks following this stuff for _Wikipedia Review_ - I
have no delusions I can materially affect the future by punditing on
non-specialist mailing lists!]

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