[WikiEN-l] Jimmy Wales should reconsider

Tony Sidaway tonysidaway at gmail.com
Sat Apr 21 01:42:14 UTC 2007

On 4/21/07, George Herbert <george.herbert at gmail.com> wrote:
> We are an encyclopedia, and an open source content project.  Our
> objective, as a project, is to create and host content.  That includes
> biographies of people who are alive.
> Any open source project, content or code or whatever, is subject to or
> at risk of attacks.  This is a fact of life.

Let's describe this "risk of attacks" to an "open source project" in
more realistic terms: real harm done to real people on a daily basis.
This isn't a bit of code that we can assign a "no warrantees"
disclaimer on.  We have to take the damage very seriously.

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