[WikiEN-l] Jimmy Wales should reconsider

Seth Finkelstein sethf at sethf.com
Sat Apr 21 01:40:24 UTC 2007

> James Farrar
> Well, we could give up, shut down the project, and all go and do
> something else.

	I really think Wikipedia would survive having a biography of
living person opt-out for a marginally-notable person. Of course, it's
riskless for me to say that. But objectively, *most* of the objections
to it seem to be pure dogma. Hence the (by now painful) circularity of
argument when this topic comes up - it's driven by many other,
ideological, factors besides the nominal difficulties.

Seth Finkelstein  Consulting Programmer  http://sethf.com/
Infothought blog - http://sethf.com/infothought/blog/
Interview: http://sethf.com/essays/major/greplaw-interview.php

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