[WikiEN-l] Ryulong blocked ALL accounts

Christiano Moreschi moreschiwikiman at hotmail.co.uk
Fri Apr 20 12:33:18 UTC 2007

It is demeaning because it is foolish. It's ridiculous because the sight of 
what are, apparently, eminent Wikipedians, getting into a such a panic that 
the sock drawer splits open is roughly on a par with the proverbial headless 
chickens. How can we possibly make any progress in this matter of Brandt 
when people fail to AGF on such a spectacular scale? Yes, he has 
unquestionably done some evil things in the past but he has promised to 
behave, he's only one man, there are more of us than him, and, no, he is not 
frigging Lucifer. No reason to panic.

Provided, of course, they weren't all socks of the same person aiming to 
disrupt. How the hell am I meant to know that's not the case? That's why the 
blocks were good ones, and it's irksome that they were reversed.


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