[WikiEN-l] Brandt unblocked by Jimbo - community support?

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Fri Apr 20 06:50:10 UTC 2007

Guy Chapman aka JzG wrote:

>On Thu, 19 Apr 2007 23:14:17 +0200, Jimmy Wales wrote:
>>It is my position, though, that a symbolic act of good faith during a 
>>promising negotiation to get that sort of behavior STOPPED, can be 
>>worthwhile to try.
>Jimmy, you have an urgent job of communication to do.  To a lot of the
>community this looks like you giving greater weight to the feelings of
>a persistent thorn in Wikipedia's flesh, than to long-standing and
>highly valued members of the community against whom Brandt has
>launched personal attacks, and deliberate, calculated, real-life
>harassment.  I am not sure I understand your thinking here, and I am
>absolutely sure that the overwhelming reaction of most people is
I think that his thinking here is in the proper spirit of forgiveness.  
Your argument that more weight should be given to valued community 
members than to a "persistent thorn" sounds like the kind of argument 
that the Athenians might have used against Socrates.

Whatever the complaints about Brandt, is there not some point where the 
dispute is just not worth disputing anymore.  Jimbo has sought a way to 
put this dispute behind us.  It is clear that a handfult of people do 
not agree with him.  How would they do it better?  Waiting for the other 
side to blink in abject apology is a power game that solves nothing.


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