[WikiEN-l] Innovative (re)uses of Wikipedia content

Erik Moeller erik at wikimedia.org
Tue Apr 10 02:54:51 UTC 2007

http://www.schoolnet.na/ Schoolnet Namibia is making Wikipedia content
available on thin client PCs
http://www.widernet.org/digitallibrary/ includes Wikipedia content
http://mobiled.uiah.fi/ provides mobile access to spoken (!) Wikipedia
content, piloted in African schools

OLPC (already mentioned) wants to involve kids in the editing process as well.

There's a bunch of data mining projects which make use of Wikipedia's
huge text corpus.

No time for a more detailed response .. but briefly, by becoming part
of the commons, resources can and do spread freely even into regions
that don't have Internet coverage. Innovators, in the non-profit or
the for-profit sector, can experiment freely with new ways to
disseminate and derive knowledge.

Sandy, our Communications Director (in CC), is working on a press kit
that includes these and other use cases -- you may want to get in
touch with her to share info.

On 4/9/07, Aude <audevivere at gmail.com> wrote:
> What innovative (re)uses of Wikipedia or Wikimedia content are out there?
> I have looked through the Mirrors and forks page, but nothing jumps out at
> me:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Mirrors_and_forks
> Also, what potential innovated uses of content might there be?
> I'm seeking permission to license images I have of NHL trophies under GFDL
> or compatible license.  I'd like to give them examples or explanation of
> positive benefits of such licensing and reuse of content and the philosophy
> behind it.
> Regards,
> -Aude
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