[WikiEN-l] CATEGORIES!!!!!!

Guettarda guettarda at gmail.com
Mon Apr 9 21:50:37 UTC 2007

On 4/9/07, Slim Virgin <slimvirgin at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 4/9/07, Marc Riddell <michaeldavid86 at comcast.net> wrote:
> > Folks,
> >
> > I'm angry right now, so I very probably should not post to the List
> until I
> > cool off; but my emotions are overriding my good senses at the moment -
> so
> > here goes.
> >
> > It concerns what has been a pet peeve of mine almost from the beginning
> of
> > my work with the encyclopedia: CATEGORIES!
> >
> > I do a fair amount of research in my work, and one of the things that
> > attracted me to WP in the first place was the Category feature. If I
> were
> > doing research on, say, Accidental Deaths, or Suicides, or Cancer Deaths
> (to
> > name just three) I could select on these Categories and, bingo, I would
> have
> > an entire wealth of documented cases of persons with these
> characteristics.
> > NOW, the Category Police have so diluted this process with trillions of
> > subcategories, e.g., Persons who died accidentally on a train while
> > traveling from Newark to Tampa ;-) - that the whole Category system has
> > become worthless to serious researchers. This, in itself, would not be a
> > problem, but to add the greatest injury of all, each person included in
> this
> > subcategory has been removed from the main one. So to see all cases of
> > Accidental deaths in the encyclopedia I have to go to each subcategory,
> > print the lists and collate them myself. Agghh!
> >
> > I have sworn off Categories. I have taken the pledge. From now on I
> won't
> > even look at the bottom of an Article.
> >
> > There, I feel better now :-) Thanks for your ear.
> >
> Marc, I couldn't agree more but I've given up arguing about it.
> Apparently, the same person is not allowed to appear in the main
> category if they're also in a subcategory. So people's names are
> removed from "Accidental deaths" and placed instead in the subcat
> "deaths while falling from a ladder at lunchtime in Solihull." It has
> been explained a thousand times that these micro categories, plus the
> no-repeated-names rule, wipe out the point of having categories in the
> first place, but there is a small but determined group in charge of
> categories, and there's no reasoning with them.
> Sarah

I agree with Marc and Sarah.  I have had problems with people insisting that
country-level categories MUST remain empty of all but the main country
article, and people who create two-level deep subcategories, just to insert
one single article.  And if you try to argue with them, they say that all
categories have that format, so that's just the way it has to be.


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