[WikiEN-l] Opt Out for Not So Notable Biographies

Guy Chapman aka JzG guy.chapman at spamcop.net
Mon Apr 9 09:00:24 UTC 2007

On Sun, 8 Apr 2007 19:20:20 -0500, "Slim Virgin"
<slimvirgin at gmail.com> wrote:

>Jeff, can you expand on how it would do that? As I see it, it might do
>the opposite. Biographies of borderline notable people often either
>languish unattended or are used as a platform by people with an axe to

Absolutely.  In many cases the only non-trivial sources are
documenting a single event in their life.  Fine if it's rowing across
the Atlantic, not so fine if it's an allegation of rape that never
made it to court.

Guy (JzG)

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