[WikiEN-l] What can be done to let users fix it themselves?

Guy Chapman aka JzG guy.chapman at spamcop.net
Wed Apr 4 20:11:58 UTC 2007

On Wed, 4 Apr 2007 06:29:53 -0700 (PDT), Ken Arromdee
<arromdee at rahul.net> wrote:

>Letting people fix it themselves, though, has one advantage: it's removed
>*immediately*, not when some volunteer gets around to it.  Moreover, figuring
>out who to complain to is itself something that newcomers may find difficult
>to do.

Yes.  This situation, though, should be fixable.  Nobody should have
to stand against all comers in removing offensive material about them,
and neither is it fair to expect them to judge what is objectively
fair when they are personally involved.  

The box:

[ If you feel it necessary to make changes to Wikipedia articles
despite a real or perceived conflict of interest, we '''strongly
encourage''' you to submit content for community review on the
article's talk page or file a [[WP:RFC|Request for Comment]] to the
wider community, and to let one or more trusted community members
judge whether the material belongs in Wikipedia.  ]

should, I think be added to along the lines of:

[ If you see something in an article where you are conflicted, which
you consider to be offensive or defamatory, you are requested to
[[Wikipedia:Contact us/Article problem/Factual error (from
subject)|contact us immediately]], our volunteers will aim to assist
you in resolving your issue ]

Guy (JzG)

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