[WikiEN-l] Citationgate: expertise and verifiability

Daniel R. Tobias dan at tobias.name
Sat Sep 30 16:19:49 UTC 2006

On 30 Sep 2006 at 12:12, Stephen Streater <sbstreater at mac.com> wrote:

> May preference is to use colour. There are many
> possible ways to do this, but one way would be for
> sentences to start out light grey, and each independent
> editor who approves or disapproves turns it darker and
> either more blue or more red. So dark blue would be
> strongly supported, dark red would be strongly opposed,
> and light grey would be not supported or opposed.

An interesting possibility; but just how would the user interface be 
done so as to allow editors to mark such preferences (which might 
pertain to anything from entire articles to single words) without 
requiring use of complex and bothersome command or markup syntax?  
Some sort of WYSIWYG interface to highlight pieces of text and add 
approval or disapproval would be desirable, but that would probably 
require complex scripting that wouldn't be cross-browser compatible 
for all users.

== Dan ==
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