[WikiEN-l] Getting rid of bad fair use

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Sun May 21 05:30:30 UTC 2006

sannse wrote:

>Anthony DiPierro wrote:
>>On 5/19/06, sannse <sannse at tiscali.co.uk> wrote:
>>>Anthony DiPierro wrote:
>>>>On 5/19/06, sannse <sannse at tiscali.co.uk> wrote:
>>>>It's your idea, why don't you set it up?
>>>No.  The ball is firmly in your court.  Put up or shut up.
>>LOL, OK, you make up some hypothetical offer on behalf of the
>>Wikimedia Foundation, and it's my responsibility to contact them to
>>find out that your offer was complete nonsense.
>Why on earth do you think I made a offer on behalf of the Foundation? I 
>don't have the authority to do that.  I said that /I/ felt it was a good 
>idea, and that I'm sure Danny would be able to arrange anything 
>necessary... obviously that would be /if/ the Board agreed.  I don't see 
>any reason why they wouldn't - you'll have to ask and find out.
Sounds like you were baiting your trolling rod with a red herring.

>>I notice you haven't addressed the part of my post where I said that
>>fair use *is* a right.  Probably because you now realize that there
>>have been Supreme Court cases which have explicitly stated that it is.
>I won't argue particular points of law, because I am not a lawyer or an 
>expert in law.  Perhaps a position you should consider taking yourself. 
Maybe his view of the law is not founded in idolatry.

>I simply repeat what I've been told, and I chose carefully who I 
>decide to take clarification from


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