[WikiEN-l] Getting rid of bad fair use

Michael Snow wikipedia at earthlink.net
Sat May 20 02:49:10 UTC 2006

Anthony DiPierro wrote:

>> As it is, it is easy for a company with
>> a huge legal staff to shut down small "fair users" with the threat of
>> endless, if futile, litigation. Lessig talks about a number of
>> instances where this happened in his book, _Free Culture_.
> Only if the fair users roll over and die, like Wikimedia is doing.

Since you seem completely unaware of the occasions where the Wikimedia 
Foundation has received complaints from copyright owners and told them, 
"Fair use, so buzz off" (couched in more polite terms, of course), 
perhaps you're not in a position to make informed comments on what 
Wikimedia is doing.

--Michael Snow

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