[WikiEN-l] Admins without validated e-mail addresses (was: RfAs)

Pete Bartlett pcb21 at yahoo.com
Wed May 10 14:35:13 UTC 2006

>Arwel wrote:

> I agree that all admins /should/ to have a valid email 
>contact address, and really ought to be de-adminned if they don't 
>provide one.

Once again assumes that the set of all admins is equal to the 
set of admins who get involved in contentious actions.

We really must stamp out this false assumption.

There are many many admins who never do something sufficiently contentious 
to warrant the use of email. I personally have made admin actions numbering 
in the hundreds and have _never_ been emailled about them.

Only if you are going to go round contentiously banning people do you need 
your email available....



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