[WikiEN-l] Getting smarter about surnames

Guettarda guettarda at gmail.com
Fri May 5 12:20:53 UTC 2006

On 5/5/06, charles matthews <charles.r.matthews at ntlworld.com> wrote:
> I think we need to have some more focussed policy guides about surname
> lists.


> This may not be the most fascinating discussion for all, but for me it
> does
> go to the heart of one big issue: what can be done to make the English
> Wikipedia have more the look-and-feel of a finished product?  I think good
> lists by surname do give that impression, that reference material is here
> and has been worked over.
> What would be great would be to have a standard format for a surname page.
> As usual, standardisation can lead to some future automation.  But it
> would
> solve a bunch of niggling issues I'm going to outline

Do you know any examples of a good surname page?  Something people could use
as a model to improve others?


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