[WikiEN-l] Primary sources

Jonathan dzonatas at dzonux.net
Fri Mar 17 16:09:32 UTC 2006

Steve Bennett wrote:

>On 3/17/06, Kirill Lokshin <kirill.lokshin at gmail.com> wrote:
>>That's only true for unpublished primary sources, though.  Plenty of
>>primary sources (e.g. memoirs, diaries, etc.) are quite easily
>>verifiable, if not always reliable.
>They're reliable if they're being treated as a primary source (Eg,
>Lord Kent wrote on the 14th of March 1932 that the Germans would
>invade the next day). Treated as a secondary source (Germany invaded
>England on the 15th of March 1932 [1]), they are unreliable.
>[1] Lord Kent's diary, 14th of March 1932
Excellent example.

I wonder if we can cite personal interviews under that same pretense.


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