[WikiEN-l] Phone calls in office

Anthere Anthere9 at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 13 11:23:53 UTC 2006

Ilya N. wrote:
> Don't we have some sort of office for such things? I mean I'd hate to put
> individuals like you who are probably quite busy on the spot for such
> things.
> --
> ~Ilya N.

No. We do not.
We do not have an office for such things.
The only office we have answers in English. So can not handle all those 
requests. And the only office we have is in Florida, so not so suitable 
for someone who want to complaint about something written on a non 
english-speaking project.

We do not because Danny's talking english only. And we will need people 
to answer the phone in dozen of languages. The Florida office could 
possibly hire one person to answer the phone in 
english/french/german/spanish/japanese. But I somehow doubt so.

Or we could have a collection of different people all over the world to 
answer in a reasonable enough number of languages. From their home, or 
from an office. The germans already have an office in Germany. I do not 
know how they handle phone call, but they are currently looking for a 
(paid) CEO. I presume we will need soon an office in France as well. Or 
at least a system of answering machines and people to take turn to call 
back only the relevant people. I suppose that this could be handled by 
local associations. If they are available.

Right now, it appears a pretty weird idea I suspect. And probably not 
one the board will be motivated to spend any kind of money on. Still, I 
think in 6 months, this will have become a requirement.


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