[WikiEN-l] April Fool's Day proposal

Steve Bennett stevage at gmail.com
Wed Mar 8 07:49:25 UTC 2006

On 3/7/06, Philip Welch <wikipedia at philwelch.net> wrote:
> I'd prefer that discussion took place on IRC or some other place that
> serves as the online equivalent of "over beers at a local pub". The
> listserv is the online equivalent of "during a staff meeting at work"
> or, at best, "at the water cooler".

Ooh, them's fighting words.

But seriously, it's not fair to simply demand that a certain mode of
communication be used. IRC is inconvenient for me. I can't use it at
work, for instance.

So your analogy is quite apt - everyone can discuss at the water
cooler, but only a certain cross-section, excluding non-drinkers,
those with kids, and those allergic to smoke, can get to the pub in
the evening.


Though maybe a less serious alternative list might not be a bad idea?


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