[WikiEN-l] The admin problem

The Cunctator cunctator at gmail.com
Tue Mar 7 23:23:22 UTC 2006

On 3/7/06, Ryan Delaney <ryan.delaney at gmail.com> wrote:
> You know, policy and process used to be relaxed because Wikipedia was a
> wholly new thing and no one had any idea how to make it work yet. We could
> only figure out what works through experience. But as time passed, and as
> experience repeated itself, we learned from it and the patterns inherent in
> it. There was quite a lot of naive innocence in the old days, but it
> couldn't last forever. What was once an amorphous mass is slowly taking
> shape and solidifying. As time passes it will inevitably solidify further.
> Corrections and adaptations will be made in an endless process, as it is
> with all evolving things, whether they are animals or city-states.

Your use of such phrases as "no one had any idea", "naive","amorphous"
clearly indicates your bias.

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