[WikiEN-l] Our Featured Article of the Day Contains Probable Copyright Violations

Stan Shebs shebs at apple.com
Fri Mar 3 19:01:11 UTC 2006

John Lee wrote:

>Then again, I suppose this does reflect the condition of how fair use 
>and copyright law are blatantly ignored/misunderstood by most 
>Wikipedians...for further information, see [[Wikipedia:Fair use 
>review]], which has a fuller description of what's going on.
Or that the problem is hard, and has had more people throwing rocks
than working on scalable solutions. I've put out several ideas for
process improvement in the past couple of days, and have had almost
no substantive response, either positive or negative. I find it hard
to take complaints seriously when the issue is ignored for months
at a time, then there a paroxysm of righteous indignation, then it
goes back to being ignored. We need X number of people who are going
to work on this steadily for Y hours per week, exact values to be
determined by the efficiency of the processes we develop.


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