[WikiEN-l] The new verifiability policy

Steve Bennett stevage at gmail.com
Thu Mar 2 00:27:17 UTC 2006

On 3/1/06, slimvirgin at gmail.com <slimvirgin at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Part of the problem is with the permissive word "may", which is too
> > often read as though it were "shall".
> >
> We have to assume people can read English. Saying that an unsourced
> edit MAY be removed is clearly not the same as saying it MUST be or
> SHOULD be.

I also couldn't come up with a more ambiguous expression if I tried.

Two different meanings:
1) An unsourced edit could end up being removed - be warned
2) You have the permission to remove unsourced edits

How can we better word this?


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