[WikiEN-l] Pity the admin....

Peter Mackay peter.mackay at bigpond.com
Thu Mar 2 00:14:15 UTC 2006

> From: wikien-l-bounces at Wikipedia.org 
> [mailto:wikien-l-bounces at Wikipedia.org] On Behalf Of MacGyverMagic/Mgm

> Unless the celeb in question open admitted their sexual 
> preference, speculation about the issue is totally pointless.

It has the effect of making those who are uncomfortable with their own
homosexuality feel more at ease. Homosexuality didn't just arise in the
second half of the Twentieth Century apart from a few indisputable cases.
Alexander the Great and his bosom buddies. It's always been around, even if
not openly admitted. If the great men of the past can be identified as
homosexual, then the less famous men of today can rightly feel more positive
about themselves.

This is not to say that homosexual folk are any better or worse than anyone
else, but I think we heterosexuals can attempt to understand their attitude
when for so much of history they were oppressed, abused and vilified. Oscar
Wilde was imprisoned for what today wouldn't raise an eyebrow.

I don't think that this is really good for the encyclopaedia, but if we can
understand why this behaviour is occurring, then we can manage it.

Pete, getting to the root cause

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