[WikiEN-l] [[WP:OURS]] - A proposal for admin-user relations

Resid Gulerdem resid_gulerdem at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 12 16:23:20 UTC 2006

>From: mboverload <mboverload at gmail.com>
>Reply-To: English Wikipedia <wikien-l at Wikipedia.org>
>To: "English Wikipedia" <wikien-l at wikipedia.org>
>Subject: Re: [WikiEN-l] [[WP:OURS]] - A proposal for
admin-user relations
>Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2006 20:03:54 -0700
>You are welcome to contest your blocking/request to
be unblocked.  The
>wikipedia IRC channel is pretty good if you want to
discuss it with several
>admins in real time.

With a little bit of embarrassment I should disclose
that I am not an internet-person. I would appreciate
if you could give me more insight how I can use the
wikipedia IRC channels.

Thank you in advance,


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