[WikiEN-l] "refactoring" signatures (was: cancelation of the deletion review of the satanism userbox)

Daniel R. Tobias dan at tobias.name
Mon Jun 5 12:28:06 UTC 2006

On 5 Jun 2006 at 00:08, Steve Summit <scs at eskimo.com> wrote:

> Tony: I agree, cutsie sigs are as annoying as hell, too, but: are
> they *really* that big a problem in the grand scheme of things?

The "cutesie sigs" problems seems to be like the userbox problem all 
over again... once again you have a bunch of users who seem to be 
treating Wikipedia like another Myspace or LiveJournal, and another 
bunch of editors/admins who are so offended by this that they insist 
on taking draconian action against the first group... and then both 
groups escalate matters and get much more heated-up about it than the 
whole silly issue deserves.

== Dan ==
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