[WikiEN-l] The wiki Paradoxes from my perspective (was Re: Uploading images should be a privilige, not a right)

Gregory Maxwell gmaxwell at gmail.com
Fri Jul 21 16:08:01 UTC 2006

On 7/21/06, Michael Hopcroft <michael at mphpress.com> wrote:
> My point remains -- what precisely is the point of research and writing
> an article that can be completely dismantled or deleted at whim by
> anyone with a dial-up connection and an ax to grind?

We have developers on dial-up??


Random folks on dialup can't delete anything. The text is still in the
history.   We do need to get better at making sure good work isn't
lost in the history someplace, but we do rescue stuff all the time.

Obviously, we will do things over time to help ensure that quality
articles don't regress (unless the folks that advocate Wikipedia as
foremost a Wiki or, worse, a game of [[nomic]], win those arguments),
but a lot is done already.

If you are uncomfortable contributing, then by all means: don't.   But
please keep in mind that there are enormous numbers of articles which
are uncontroversial, where your content is unlikely to be contested or
deleted by anyone, and where love and attention is much needed.

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