[WikiEN-l] Joke

Lord Voldemort lordbishopvoldemort at gmail.com
Tue Jul 11 21:48:25 UTC 2006

On 7/11/06, Guy Chapman aka JzG <guy.chapman at spamcop.net> wrote:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joke
> I removed the jokes.  Mikka reverted.  My reasoning:
> * no reliable sources for these being considered representative of the
> classes of joke discussed
> * this is about the concept of the joke, it is not [[List of jokes]]
> (and most especially not [[List of randomly selected and generally
> abysmal jokes]])
> * several are gratuitously offensive.  It should be possible to read
> the article on joke, be told that racist jokes exist, but not be
> subjected to them unless you visit a separate article
> * WP:NOT a joke book
> * cruft, cruft, cruft and more cruft.  Most are drive-bys.

Only truly notable jokes should be listed, IMO.  Chicken crossing the
road, etc. Otherwise, [insert everything you laid out above here].
And no, don't send them to Wikibooks, either, since I know that
suggestion was coming from someone. --LV

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