[WikiEN-l] Wikimania notes : early registration ends, writing & media contest

SJ 2.718281828 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 9 19:15:52 UTC 2006

Dear all,

Early registration for Wikimania ends today; after which the community
rate for the conference tickets will go up.  The preliminary program
and proceedings are available from the conference site :

Scholarship applications are being reviewed and responded to over the
next two days.

Other notes related to the conference schedule : There will be some
outings on Thursday, before Wikimania begins.  SIGGRAPH is taking
place in Boston before Wikimania, during Hacking Days (Tuesday through
Thursday); we're trying to arrange a tour of their exhibit floor.  A
Citizen Journalism event in the same building on Monday, the day after
Wikimania ends :

Finally, don't forget the Wikimania awards  -- a t-shirt contest, and
a media and writing contest.  Nominations of great media (any free
format) and writing (any language) are wanted; more information to
come :

SJ Klein  |   617 529-4266
Wikimania 2006 : wikimania2006.wikimedia.org

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