[WikiEN-l] Ken Lay's death prompts confusion on Reuters

mboverload mboverload at gmail.com
Sat Jul 8 21:51:09 UTC 2006

I don't think that's really possible unless we stop anon users from

On 7/8/06, Anthony <wikilegal at inbox.org> wrote:
> Why is it that Wikipedians seem to have so much trouble accepting
> legitimate criticism?
> Wikipedia should be getting its facts *more* correct than the news
> outlets, not less.  I remember a similar mess after the death of
> [[Jean Charles de Menezes]].  Wikipedia articles repeated
> unsubstantiated rumor as though it was fact.
> Even now the [[Kenneth Lay]] article doesn't provide a reference next
> to the assertion that "Kenneth Lay died from coronary artery disease".
> This should be unacceptable.
> Anthony
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