[WikiEN-l] Jimbo and his strategy

Guy Chapman guy.chapman at spamcop.net
Sun Feb 19 23:40:19 UTC 2006

On Sun, 19 Feb 2006 15:34:04 -0800 (PST), you wrote:

>Is this also a part of Jimbo's work? Someone was
>blocked for 24-hours for keeping their userboxes on
>ther userpage. Have a look:

For some reason, some users seem to think that provocative userboxen
are perfectly acceptable.  They often cite "free speech" which is
fine, they are more than welcome to go to some other encyclopaedia
which guarantees free speech, but this is not that project.  Pissing
other editors off is a fact of life, going out of your way to do so
appears to me to fall somewhat sort of the accepted norms of the
project.  But what do I know?  It's Jimbo's project.


"To every complex problem there is a solution which is
simple, neat and wrong" - HL Mencken

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