[WikiEN-l] Advice needed

geni geniice at gmail.com
Thu Feb 16 00:12:21 UTC 2006

On 2/15/06, Guy Chapman <guy.chapman at spamcop.net> wrote:
> Should I just forget it?  Or ar we (either me or those who want the article
> restored) missing some vital point of policy?
> Guy

The problem is that there are at least three different arguments going
on. The should it exist or not argument. The "if it exists what should
it contain aregument" and it is a current battle ground for the
heavily pro-process vs the not so heavily pro-process groups. All in
all a fun day for all the family.

Just wait for the fight over Haley to begin. Those wishing to do their
pre reading would be advised to cheack US privicy laws with regards to
minors and the mechanics of the YTMND/Myspace relationship.


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