[WikiEN-l] Hello

Earle Martin wikipedia at downlode.org
Thu Dec 14 11:20:42 UTC 2006

On 14/12/06, Ray Saintonge <saintonge at telus.net> wrote:
> The Cunctator wrote:
> >Paris is a [[type:=city]] in
> >[[located in::France]], with a population of
> >[[population:=1,000,000,000]].
> >
> I don't know about the "translation", but some of us are old enough to
> remember when articles were written in natural language.  Some
> task-oriented people become so focused on what they believe would be
> easy that they often forget that there's a real world out there where
> people don't speak markup.

So write the article in natural language, and bung in all the metadata
stuff at the end where the templates, inter-language links and other
markup goes. Inlining the sort of thing quoted above is pointless.

Earle Martin

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