[WikiEN-l] new Google Earth tie-in (!!)

Daniel R. Tobias dan at tobias.name
Thu Dec 14 05:15:55 UTC 2006

On 14 Dec 2006 at 12:10, "Stephen Bain" <stephen.bain at gmail.com> 

> And more to the point, they could have done this without asking,
> except for the use of the logo. Instead they were willing to negotiate
> use of the logo, and have made an effort to be compliant like other
> mirrors, following our own instructions for mirrors.

And as far as I can tell, there is no exclusive license involved in 
this project, so it's not a "sellout"; nothing in this deal blocks 
the future use of Wikipedia data as part of other geographical 
projects of other companies and organizations, including ones of a 
less proprietary nature, or the negotiation of such groups to get 
similar rights to use the logo.

== Dan ==
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