[WikiEN-l] MONGO and the ArbCom

Guy Chapman aka JzG guy.chapman at spamcop.net
Tue Dec 12 22:00:54 UTC 2006

On Tue, 12 Dec 2006 13:28:29 -0800, "George Herbert"
<george.herbert at gmail.com> wrote:

>What is wrong with that page?

It gives far to much credence to their absurd theories.  

Look at it this way: if I said to you that 300 people in the world
believed that the moon was made of green cheese, and that the "moon
made of rock" theory was a hoax perpetrated by the evil American
government, and then created articles on Scholars for Green Cheese
Truth, List of researchers supporting Moon Cheese Hypothesis,
Alternate Explanations of Moon Construction, Evidence for Green Cheese
Moon and so on and so on, then the whole walled garden would be gone
by morning, and rightly so.

We have a *massive* collection of articles on these nutters and their
absurd views, and most of them are "notable" solely for propounding
absurd theories which violate Occam's Razor.


and so on and so on.  All classic conspiracy theory shit: We "know"
that their explanation is bogus, they refuse to tell us the truth,
what are they hiding, and variations on that theme.  If we can't rebut
something which is obviously bogus from credible sources, that
indicates to me that maybe it should not be there at all. Aetherometry
and pseudoscience all over again.

Meanwhile the rest of the world - to a fairly good approximation 100%
of it - accepts that it was an act of terrorism, and that the
buildings collapsed because nobody had thought to design against being
hit square-on by a suicide bomber in an airliner fully loaded with
fuel - a remarkable oversight given how often this had happened

We might disagree on the reasons behind the reasons, but as far as I
can tell nobody with a full deck seriously believes that the WTC and
Pentagon attacks were anything other than terrorism.

Guy (JzG)

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