[WikiEN-l] Finally, we are exposed. Wikipedia is a CIA project. Or something like that

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Mon Apr 17 22:03:29 UTC 2006

Mathias Schindler wrote:

>Wikipedia and the CIA - How US Intelligence Can Embed in Wikipedia,
>Plant Propaganda, Delete Facts, Deceive and Attack US Citizens
>Wikipedia An Ultimate Trojan Horse for CIA and US Government on the
>The text actually made my day.
It's noteworthy to consider that the top of the sponsors for the page was:

> Become a CIA Agent 
> <http://www.google.com/pagead/iclk?sa=l&ai=BE-Iong9ERLKkCtCULpOFrc0Pooq2B-bsgMcBwI23AYDTDhABGAEg99uNAigDSIs5UNDx170FmAGwnI8EoAGIlL7-A6oBMm1zZ3ZpZXcrRXhwZXJpbWVudEdyb3Vwc0IwMytwdWJsaWMrbm9uYWR1bHQrdXNlbmV0yAEB2gFRL2dyb3VwL2FsdC5nb3NzaXAuY2VsZWJyaXRpZXMvbXNnLzlmMWRhMmU2ZDRhZDIxZjM_JmhsPWVuJnE9aW5zdWJqZWN0JTNBd2lraXBlZGlhlQIeiAsK&num=1&adurl=http://www.criminaljustice-degrees.com/index.cfm%3Fkey%3Dgo_2_13r%26v%3Dgoogle%26c%3D4563884%26cat%3D201771854%26mt%3DContent%26ad%3D327887324%26st%3Dcentral%2520intelligence%2520agency>
> Start a career in the CIA with
> a Criminal Justice degree.
> www.criminaljustice-degrees.com

It doesn't surprise me to see the CIA playing both sides.


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