[WikiEN-l] Wikipedia as a playground for other companies' disputes

Michael Snow wikipedia at earthlink.net
Fri Apr 14 01:22:42 UTC 2006

Kirill Lokshin wrote:

>On 4/13/06, Mathias Schindler <neubau at presroi.de> wrote:
>>SOURCE:Flight International
>>Online encyclopædia Wikipedia aircraft group allege deliberate
>>misleading Airbus and Boeing entries
>>Readers of the online open-access encyclopædia Wikipedia have raised
>>concerns that the entries of both Airbus and Boeing have been altered in
>>possibly deliberately misleading ways.
>Out of curiosity, is this the first time an individual WikiProject has
>made the news?
No, assuming you're willing to include Andrew Orlowski's writings for 
The Register under the heading of "the news". He mentioned "Project 
Galatea" in passing once, and said he would discuss it in more detail 
later, but I don't recall him following through and not much appears to 
have come of the project.

--Michael Snow

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