[WikiEN-l] Answers.com tool released

Tony Sidaway f.crdfa at gmail.com
Thu Apr 13 01:33:58 UTC 2006

On 4/12/06, Erik Moeller <eloquence at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have begun an
> editorial discussion ...about whether it is wise to effectively advertise this tool,
>which is
> at the heart of Answers.com's software patents lawsuit against Babylon
> Software.

The patent suit is the human equivalent of a male Koala urinating on a
tree branch to mark its territory.  The total amount of the claim,
according to the lawsuit, is just $210,000.  Peanuts.

I don't see how this software, which is a product of Answers.com, can
possibly be "at the heart of" a lawsuit concerning a product sold by
another company which is alleged to be infringing a patent held by
Answers.com.  Answers.com either holds a valid patent which is being
infringed by another company, or it does not.  Answers.com's own
products are not relevant to the case.

In any case,

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