[WikiEN-l] Why voting *is* evil

Gordon Joly gordon.joly at pobox.com
Wed Apr 12 08:38:03 UTC 2006

At 10:56 -0700 11/4/06, Matt Brown wrote:
>On 4/11/06, Mikkerpikker <mikkerpikker at gmail.com> wrote:
>>  And I donnu, but the state of Georgia doesn't have a vote at the UN
>>  General Assembly, nor is it a member of the WTO, nor is it sovereign,
>>  nor is it... My personal view is Georgia (country) should be the main
>>  article and that we're seeing some clear US-centrism in elevating some
>>  random sub-national entity to the level of a sovereign state.
>Once again, you are assuming that Wikipedia's naming convention should
>be by some taxonomic scheme of importance.
>That isn't how it works.
>We make the primary name a disambiguation page if one use of a name
>does not completely overwhelm the other uses of the name.  In the case
>of Georgia, neither does - plenty of people will say 'Georgia' and
>mean the nation, and plenty more will say 'Georgia' and mean the

I made that suggestion is recent communication to this august email 
group. My idea is that there is never a primary page. All edits must 
check for the correct person, place, etc.


"Think Feynman"/////////
gordon.joly at pobox.com///

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