[WikiEN-l] User harrassed in real-life at work for admin actions

Sean Barrett sean at epoptic.org
Sat Apr 8 17:04:58 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1

Katefan0 stated for the record:

> Please -- be realistic.  Nobody has that kind of money.
> k
> On 4/8/06, David Alexander Russell <webmaster at davidarussell.co.uk> wrote:
> Like being sued for unfair dismissal or aiding and abetting harassment
> of employees you mean?
> Cynical
> Katefan0 wrote:
>>Don't count on it.  Companies have their own reputations and bankrolls
> to
>>protect, anything that could possibly open the company up for harm I
> promise
>>they take very seriously.

I suspected that you were clueless when you made promises about
companies you have nothing to do with.  When you said that nobody has
the kind of money to bring unfair dismissal suits (which in fact are
filed by the myriads every week) I became sure you have not the
slightest idea what you are talking about.

- --
 Sean Barrett     | We completely deny the allegations, and
 sean at epoptic.org | we're trying to identify the alligators.
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