[WikiEN-l] Equality

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Fri Sep 23 14:05:27 UTC 2005

Alphax wrote:
>Zephram Stark wrote:

>> The above is a bold statement that would require considerable risk to
>> implement, but it is exactly the same concept that the founders of my
>> country pledged their "Lives," "Fortunes," and "sacred Honor" to
>> protect.  I submit that my nation, the United States of America, is a
>> success because they did so.

>I submit that trolls who have been banned from Wikipedia have no place
>on the mailing list, either.

That's not strictly true because wikien-l is in fact the official
sewage pipe for en: Wikipedia. We chuck 'em if they get *really* bad
(Enviroknot trolling under whatever names) or stupid or obnoxious
(Skyring, who did the one thing he was asked not to do). Zephraim is
still on moderation, though.

- d.

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