[WikiEN-l] Thank you from AJ Jacobs at Esquire

Kat Walsh mindspillage at gmail.com
Fri Sep 23 05:06:29 UTC 2005

The Esquire article is finished! You can see the final version at:

Thanks to everyone who participated.

Here's a thank-you passed on from AJ Jacobs of Esquire:

Hello Wikipedians,

I just wanted to thank you all so much for participating in this
experiment. It was absolutely fascinating. I was riveted to my
computer, pressing refresh every 45 seconds to see the next iteration.
And the next and the next. For the last few days, my wife has been what
you might call a Wikipedia Widow.

I feel like I should submit all my articles to the community to get
them Wikipedia-ized. I can't wait to print this in Esquire magazine.

Thanks again.

AJ Jacobs


"There was a point to this story, but it has temporarily
escaped the chronicler's mind."  --Douglas Adams

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