[WikiEN-l] Encarta article list

David Gerard fun at thingy.apana.org.au
Thu Sep 1 23:21:14 UTC 2005

Zachary Harden (zscout370 at hotmail.com) [050829 01:19]:
>From: Jimmy Wales <jwales at wikia.com>

> >> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Encarta_Encyclopedia_topics

> >Please delete this list immediately.  Opinions of our legal team are
> >divided about the issue, and I feel that in a case like this,
> >conservatism and caution are called for.

> Due to the above message from Jimbo, and taking no chances, I went ahead 
> and deleted the Encyclop?dia Britannica 2004 list, which was designed in a 
> similiar fashion to the Encarta list. I am not sure what other lists can 
> go, but I think we should not take chances with them if the WMF legal are 
> having issues.

If xsomeone could email these pages to me (to dgerard at gmail dot com by
preference), I will put them up in private web space of my own and say
"fuck 'em".

- d.

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