[WikiEN-l] Re: Previews

Guettarda guettarda at gmail.com
Wed Oct 26 21:47:57 UTC 2005

> News to me. If the database is too busy, you should get a timeout screen
> or
> a "cannot contact database server" error message.
> We don't know exactly why this problem happens, but it's probably caused
> by
> loss or temporary unavailability of session data. Brion says we still got
> these reports when we put sessions in NFS, so memcached can't explain the
> problem in its entirety, but nonetheless I'd be inclined to think the
> current increase in reports is due to load on the memcached servers. We
> should probably try installing memcached on another 10 or 15 servers and
> see
> if that fixes the problem.
> A closely related problem is being spontaneously logged out if you didn't
> select the "remember me" checkbox when you logged in.
> -- Tim Starling

I've noticed that problem since the upgrade - sometimes a second or third
submit does it, sometimes it never works and I just copy the edit to
notepad, close Firefox, and try again. I'd say it happens maybe every third
edit. This is very different from the timeout messages.

Ian (Guettarda)

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