[WikiEN-l] Placeopedia

Angela beesley at gmail.com
Mon Oct 17 22:27:01 UTC 2005

Placeopedia is an online application which integrates Google Maps
images and Wikipedia encyclopedia articles.See

The Board are currently working on a logo licensing contract which
would permit such sites to use the Wikipedia logo.

A new mailing list for Placeopedia has recently been created at
<http://www.mysociety.org/mailman/listinfo/mysociety-maps> and they
would welcome input from Wikipedians on various aspects of the site.

For example, some issues already raised are whether links to
Placeopedia should be added automatically to all Wikipedia articles
that have a corresponding entry in Placeopedia. There is already a
template for this on the English Wikipedia
(<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Placeopedia>) but so far any
links have only been added manually.

Another issue is whether users of Placepedia should be able to add
categories to Wikipedia directly from Placeopedia.

If you have an interest in maps, please join the mailing list to help
answer these Wikipedia-related questions.


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