[WikiEN-l] Tag-teaming

Poor, Edmund W Edmund.W.Poor at abc.com
Thu Oct 6 13:14:28 UTC 2005

Silverback makes a good general point:

> ... [snip]  By accusing Fvw of 
> abuse I was making a point, and that point was not the Fvw is 
> somehow worse than other admins, but rather to make the point 
> that using a system to implement 24 hour blocks that for a 
> long time has been known to routinely block people for much 
> longer is an abuse of admin powers.  Regardless of the fact 
> that some oppose the 3RR rule, when the prescribed punishment 
> is a 24 hour block, putting someone in a system that almost 
> certainly will result in a longer block without careful 
> monitoring and intervention by the admin is abusive.  Of 
> course having to track the times to make sure this abuse does 
> not happen is a burden for the admins, and they should not be 
> put in this position.  The admins should insist the blocking 
> software be fixed, or refuse to use it, rather than abuse 
> either by intent or oversight.

This can be addressed by encouraging (requiring?) Admins to log all
their 3RR blocks in one place. It could be a section of:

* [[Wikipedia:Account suspensions]]


* [[Wikipedia:Account suspensions#3RR]] - a section of the project page
* [[Wikipedia:Account suspensions/3RR]]-  a subpage of it

If it's a section, then everything is on one page, and we'll see "recent
changes" to it. Admins and others can watch the page.

If it's transcluded, then we can "watch" the 3RR blocks separately.

Uncle Ed
Developer Emeritus
Former Bureaucrat
Mailing List admin
...and all around nice guy! :-)

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