[WikiEN-l] Most read US newspaper blasts Wikipedia

Elisabeth Bauer elian at djini.de
Wed Nov 30 19:19:34 UTC 2005

Katefan0 wrote:

> Johntex's idea is essentially a spinoff of an
> "approved" version.  He essentially proposed that
> Wikipedia create an additional "tab" people could
> click on to see the last "approved" version. 
> Everybody can still edit the non-approved version,
> just as normal.  And I guess, taking the idea out to
> its logical extreme, at intervals the two versiosn
> would be compared and any new information meshed into
> the "approved" version.  This way everybody can still
> edit and contribute, but anyone concerned about
> ensuring the version they're looking at has been
> vetted thoroughly could simply click on the "approved"
> tab.  


would be in my opinion much more useful than a complicated article 
validation form anyone can manipulate.


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