[WikiEN-l] Most read US newpaper blasts Wikipedia

kosebamse at gmx.net kosebamse at gmx.net
Wed Nov 30 12:54:37 UTC 2005

David Gerard wrote:

>The problem is that we peaked way too early. The site is late-alpha or
>early beta at best, and should have big 1995-style yellow and black
>"UNDER CONSTRUCTION" GIFs with really bad aliasing on most pages.

The even more basic problem is everybody and their dog laments about article
quality, yet nobody is bold enough to tell the world that we have already
way too much garbage and can't even tell what is garbage and what is not. It
has long been obvious to the insiders, and I am actually amazed that the
rest of the world is only now beginning to realize it. Wikipedians need to
realize that no amount of mediocre-to-shitty articles can compensate for a
lack of quality content.
A helpful approach would be to stop accepting new articles, take our
content, scrutinise it and rewrite it from zero. Rewrite the encyclopedia
and let the warriors/nutters/clueless kids have their fun, but not on our
servers. Ah, the charm of radical solutions.


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