[WikiEN-l] fonts for foreign language wikibooks

Fastfission fastfission at gmail.com
Mon Nov 28 19:51:01 UTC 2005

I unfortunately don't have IE in front of me or I would tell you
specifically how to get around it, but you might hunt around to change
your default "Text Encoding". You should be able to specify somewhere
that the page is in a "non-standard" character set, which should
magically fix the problem. By default, pages are rendered as "Western"
-- you probably want to change this to "Central European".


On 11/26/05, L S Lesser <lsl45x at netzero.com> wrote:
> I have installed Latin-2 encoding, Arial Unicode MS, and Aruniupd.exe, and yet I cannot read many of the Croatian, Slovenian, Slovak, and Romanian characters on the wiki pages describing their languages and grammars.  [Ð, Ç, Š, etc.].  I run Windows ME and Internet Explorer 5.5.  I'd greatly appreciate some advice.  Thanks.
> Larry
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