[WikiEN-l] Re: Some Wikipedia writers cover up for cranks on Wikipedia

Phil Boswell phil.boswell at gmail.com
Fri Nov 25 09:38:33 UTC 2005

"David Gerard" <dgerard at gmail.com> wrote in 
message news:fbad4e140511240907u5b10e910t3f7572fcdf915eac at mail.gmail.com...
> Phil Boswell wrote:
> >"Rex" <rexy at ij.net> wrote:
> >> ...  They cover up discoveries by the historian Rex Curry.
> > Just checking: are you actually "the historian Rex Curry"?
> > If so, are you sure you have checked the Wikipedia policy against 
> > "original
> research"?
>     http://rexcurry.net/
> It's an ... amazing page.

I'm assuming that it's purely a coinkydink that his site is a member of the 
"Ring of Freedom and Liberty"

...code-name "rofl"

...'cos he don't look like he got much of a sense of yumah ;-)
[[en:User:Phil Boswell]] 

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